Thursday, April 23, 2015

Teaching Tolerance Website
            After exploring on this website for only a few minutes, I quickly decided that it is a valuable resource that I will most definitely be able to use as a future educator and as a professional within the school system.  This website provides countless classroom resources, activities, and teaching kits that can be used as interactive and engaging lesson plans.  Teachers can use ideas presented on this website and adapt them to uniquely meet the needs of a certain group of students.  For example, I feel that many of the activities on this website could be tweaked and used in special needs classrooms as well. 
            This website is an especially beneficial resource because it helps to bridge difficult conversations.  For example, when I was initially exploring, I saw many links that discussed topics such as bullying, LGBT persons, safe learning environments, and diversity.  Teachers and educators are often asked challenging questions and are put in the midst of awkward conversations.  Since teachers spend ample amounts of time with their students day in and day out, they are often a primary role model for many students.  As puberty strikes and young children develop into adolescents and young adults, students begin to go through tremendous changes, both physically and emotionally.  For students who do not have positive relationships with a parent or guardian at home, teachers sometimes function as the only stable adult figure in a student’s life.  In the midst of chaos and standard based lesson plans, it is crucial for teachers to occasionally step back and consider the well being of their students.  This website can speak volumes in those situations and serve as a quick and easy resource to help aid teachers during these times. 
I particularly enjoyed a publication entitled “Best Practices: Creating an LGBT-inclusive School Climate.”  On this link, there is a picture of a sign that says, “This school welcomes… students of all races, ethnicities, and nationalities, students with diverse abilities, students who are LBGT, students of all family structures, students who are English language learners, students of all religions, students from all socio-economic backgrounds, students of all body types… you” (Teaching Tolerance).  These words are powerful and initiate awareness and community building within the school.  This sign reminds the entire school body that the school is a diverse environment and one in which everyone is welcome and accepted.  This website discusses the significance of promoting awareness as one of the primary steps in creating a safe and comfortable learning environment for all persons.  Schools should also strive to “build an inclusive school climate” by supporting a variety of clubs and promoting individuality (Teaching Tolerance).
I am thankful to have had the opportunity to be exposed to this website.  I feel that this will be an effective resource for me as a future educator.  If I encounter an issue within my classroom, or if I suspect that an issue may be arising, I will consult this website for helpful ideas and activities that can help me to further help my students to resolve any conflicts or concerns. 

Teaching tolerance. (1991). Montgomery, AL: Southern Poverty Law Center.


  1. I agree with everything you said! This class has opened my eyes to a lot of different topics that i have never thought about before. It has shined light on different views and smaller aspects of teaching I had not yet been introduced to. This website is going to help me and I'm sure a lot of other teachers in bringing up and talking about topics that may be hard to begin. With times changing and change occurring fast, it is becoming hard to keep up with being 'politically correct'. Although this change, I think, is for the better. It is helping people open their minds and letting things be different than what they have traditionally been.

  2. Morgan,

    Agreeing with you and Kelly Jo, this class has taught me so much about having an open mind and being prepared to expect anything. I enjoyed how we ended this semester with a resource that will help us through out teaching career. I think it will help me to have a resource to go to for help in discussing challenging subjects with my students. Even though they may be challenging subjects, it will be important to work through them early on in the year. I have enjoyed reading your blogs through the semester and commenting on them. I have also loved reading your comments on my blogs! Have a great summer!

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